Stephanie Davis’ pregnancy- everything we know so far

It's the drama of the year

Stephanie davis big brother

by Ella Duffy |
Published on

It’s fair to say that since leaving the CBB house back in February 2016, Stephanie Davis has had a pretty difficult time of it. She fell in love with heavily tattooed model Jeremy McConnell while in the house, as her then boyfriend Sam Reece watched on from the outside… Awkward.

The Steph and Jez relationship continued outside the house, and has kept us hooked for months now. To refresh yourselves on the Romeo and Juliet of our generation, take a look at our timeline of Steph and Jez’s relationship.

Everything changed, however, when Steph announced she was pregnant and since then there has been non-stop controversy surrounding the pregnancy. This is heat’s guide to the DRAMA that seems to follow this pair everywhere.

Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell

Who’s the daddy of Stephanie Davis' baby?

Steph and Jez appeared to be over for good back in May. Just when we thought things had died down, Steph sensationally announced that she was PREGNANT. Yep.

Jez initially said he would stand by his baby, but then DENIED that he’s the daddy. He’s since stated openly that he doesn’t believe Steph is pregnant AT ALL, and went so far as to tweet one fan saying: "She's not pregnant with my baby, come on".

But it’s not just Jez, the former couple have BOTH have been sending accusations flying at each other, with Steph quick to tweet some choice words in retaliation.

It's safe to say that they are not on good terms, and Jez appeared to make a dig at his ex by joking about having a “fabulous family” in the future. Not cool, bro.

Steph’s claimed (on Twitter, obz) that her and Jez were actively TRYING for a baby, ), and so him claiming otherwise is pretty sh*tty from her POV. We have a feeling this is not the last we hear about this.

Steph’s baby bump

In the early stages of pregnancy, Steph faced countless people questioning her over the lack of pictures of her baby bump, especially for someone who is such a notorious over-sharer.

But why SHOULD Steph show her bump on social media? She's very happy to share snaps of cute little clothes though.

And all became clear when Steph unveiled her baby bump in a shoot with a celebrity magazine.

And then when she tweeted pictures of her actual naked tum! She subsequently deleted them but we have them beacuse the internet never forgets.

Stephanie Davis drinks (a sip of) alcohol during pregnancy

As if all the Jez/baby bump drama wasn’t enough, Steph was also spotted sipping shandy in a pub garden with a friend, which caused people to go CRAY and led Steph to defend herself on Twitter.

The girl can’t seem to catch a break, can she? According to her representatives, Steph merely had a sip of her friend's shandy and was caught on camera EXACTLY at that moment, despite the fact that she had been “in the pub for over two hours drinking soft drinks” prior to this.

Stephanie Davis' family

But it's not all bad news for Steph. She might not have Jez, but she does have a supportive family around her, with both her mum and dad tweeting their excitement about the baby.

Stephanie Davis' new image

So far Steph hasn’t had the easiest pregnancy, and due to her tendency to (over) share online, it seems that everyone’s a critic: Steph has faced haters for nearly every aspect of her pregnancy. But she seems to be made of stronger stuff and has promised to turn over a new leaf for her baby.

Stephanie Davis' baby scans

There are certainly some people out there who are firm believers in the term ‘picture or it didn’t happen’ and when it comes to Steph’s pregnancy, it did seem to take a long time for her to share the scan of her little one, seeing as she seems so excited to share every other detail.

But Steph was quick to hush the haters though, when she tweeted: "Can't wait to share my pictures and scans with you soon! #allwillberevaled! Exciting. So proud and So excited To be a mummy cannot tell you."

She's now released a 12-week scan snap via a magazine, as well as throwing a DNA test accusation at Jezza, so maybe we’ll see baby Davis’ first Insta appearance sooner then we think.

Is Stephanie Davis having a girl or a boy?

She's now revealed it's a boy!

We wonder what she'll call him? We're guessing not Jeremy. Or Sam.

She found out the news during a recent 4D scan, and opened up to OK! magazine about the discovery.

She said: "I actually always thought I was having a boy.

"My mum, best friend, brother, aunt and two cousins came with me to the appointment and as soon as the sonographer told us what I was having, they burst into tears."

Steph also made a bizarre admission about the appearance of the feotus.

‘"It’s the weirdest and most amazing thing – even at this stage, our son looks just like Jeremy. He's got his skinny long legs and big ears.

"I got a DVD of the scan and was going to send it to Jeremy but he decided to have no involvement during the pregnancy, so it’s his loss."

Jeremy is just SO lovely, isn't he?

Finally… Forgetting Jez

Like we mentioned, we haven’t seen a love story as tragic as this since Shakespeare’s time, but now Steph seems well and truly OVER Jeremy. She’s thrown some shade at her ex by posting quotes on Instagram and has received support from fans.

Either way, we’re sure we won’t have to wait long for the next installment of the chronicles of Steph and Jez… and baby makes three.

And we'll be there every step of the way.

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