Kylie Jenner’s Christmas tree is laughably bad

Ho ho LOL

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Kylie Jenner - think she’s got it all?


Sure, Kylie has a beautiful face, a rocking bod, more $$$ than we will ever see in our lives and, erm, Tyga, but there are some things even a Kardashian-Jenner can’t buy.

That’s right, a decent Christmas tree.

For reasons we can’t quite fathom, this is the tree currently in pride of place in Kylie Towers:

Now, as Brits, we don’t quite get Charlie Brown but we think that the strapline means that Kylie herself also sees the joke.

Well done, Kylie.

Maybe she’s just going minimalist following Khloe’s Thanksgiving extravaganza.

Or perhaps she hasn’t clapped her eyes onColeen Rooney’s tree yet.

Twenty-one days to go, everyone!

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