James Whale, Marnie Simpson and Renee Graziano are victims of shock nominations twist

Big Bro sure looooves a shock nominations twist


by Polly Foreman |
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If there’s one thing we can say for sure about Big Brother, it’s that they bloody love a surprise face-to-face nomination sesh. They throw one in so often that we’re startled housemates still get so shocked.

The appropriate reaction when faced with such a twist is to say something like: “I literally can’t do this I love you all so much! It’s so hard” and maybe shed a little tear – you’d be obviously lying, but it’ll at least make you look super nice to the outside world.

But, as we all know, this series is absolutely mad – so mad that it’s subject to a campaign to get it banned. So these very controversial housemates were never going to be affected by a small thing like public nominations.

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We found out on Tuesday night that Stephen Bear, Lewis Bloor and Heavy D would all get to made a killer nomination as a reward for surviving the eviction. Sweet.

Bear, acting with utmost humility and grace (‘OOOOOOOHHH. IN YOUR FACE. IN. YOUR. FACE), nominated Renee Graziano. She wasn’t pleased.


And in last night’s episode, Lewis and Heavy got their turn.

Lewis did a pretty good job of sticking to the above ‘pretend this is greatly affecting you’ rule, as his nomination of James Whale almost seemed almost genuinely apologetic.

Lewis Bloor

But Heavy didn’t. He said after choosing Marnie Simpson: “Marnie I’m nominating you because I don’t think you’re a nice person and I don’t like you. And that’s it really.” He then bursts out laughing.

heavy d
heavy d

Bear found this very amusing, chiming in with: “RUTHLESS”.

Lewis was predictably naaaat happy. He put a protective arm round Marnie and gave Heavy a look that can only be described as EXTREMELY STERN.

Lewis Bloor and Marnie Simpson
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