Marnie Simpson has apparently threatened to QUIT Geordie Shore


Marnie Simpson

by heatworld |
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We at heat love Geordie Shore more than life itself, so can’t help but be a little troubled by the idea of the old cast leaving (we still haven’t Charlotte Crosby and Holly Hagan’s departure last year. We miss ya, gals).

We’re constantly hearing the odd rumour Gary Beadle will leave, and now it’s been reported that Marnie Simpson threatened to quit the show before it started filming yesterday.

Nooooooo :(

The reason behind the threat was apparently because she was stressed about being locked up for so long.

marnie simpson

A source told The Sun: “She loves the show and her co-stars but it’s going to be difficult for her to be completely off radar.

“Her friends and family think she might walk out of the house if it gets too much for her.

“She’s already said she’s getting anxious about not being able to contact anyone for such a long stretch of time.

Plz don’t leave us, Marnie!

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