TOWIE’s Megan McKenna and Pete Wicks: their beautiful love story so far

From the first tweets to THAT sexting scandal

Megan McKenna

by Gemma Horton |
Published on

Who's the best-looking celebrity couple of 2016?

That's right: Pete Wicks and Megan McKenna.

We're borderline obsessed with *TOWIE'*s hot new couple, so here's everything you need to know about their romance.

**9 November **

The TOWIE season finale did not disappoint in the dramz stakes.

After a v emosh chat, weeks of hard graft and a little spat over Pete's raunchy Anne Summers photo shoot, Megan finally confirmed they were back together.

PEGAN is well and truly alive and this Instagram post confirms it.


Megan also left a little message for the haters: "No one knows our relationship like we do… I love you @P_wicks01"


**30 September **

There's trouble in store for Essex's golden couple as Pete has been caught sending very NAWTY texts to his ex Jacqui Ryland.

Megan confronted Pete in Marbella while filming for The Only Way Is Essex's TOWIM spin-off. And it KICKED OFF.

Over the next few weeks TOWIE viewers were gripped as Pete was a self-confessed "man on mission," stopping at nothing to win Megan back.


There were tears, cryptic messages and a very AWKWARD encounter with Megan's dad Dave McKenna.


**6 April **

Megan was forced to defend herself after Chloe Lewis accused Megan of playing away with her boyfriend Jake Hall much to Megan’s annoyance.

But on the same night that TOWIE aired, Megan posted a picture of her and Pete drinking an interesting looking cocktail. Clearly there’s no bad blood between the two of them.

1 April

Pete came out fighting after he was spotted with a mystery brunette at In The Style launch party. And the brunette WAS NOT Megan McKenna. While Megan enjoyed a quiet night in (we presume), Pete was out partying, but who was this mysterious woman he enjoyed a smoke break with?

Calm yourselves, it was only his manager as shown by exhibit A: Pete’s defensive tweet.

**23 March **

Pete and Megan’s romance hasn’t always been plain sailing. Then again, they ARE on a reality TV show, it would be boring if there wasn’t any AGG. Megan who, in case you didn’t know, can be pretty volatile decided to kick off at fellow cast mate, lovely Kate Wright.

After calling Megan a dog AS A JOKE, the Ex On The Beach and CBB star was ready to bend Kate’s ear. Thankfully they managed to bury the hatchet, and Pete acted like a knight in shining armour by defending Megan and saying that he didn’t find the joke all that funny. Adorable!

Oh, and Pete also showed the entire world what Megan's enjoying by streaking down Brentwood High Street. Try not to drool over the screen…

21 March

Just a week after the couple announced that they were seeing each other on TOWIE, they went on an intimate date to a sushi bar where Pete declared his undying love in the form of a sonnet. Not really, he actually informed Megan that he really wanted "to f*ck her". And who said romance was dead, eh?

**14 March **

As the world revelled in the shock news that the pair were dating, Pete revealed ANOTHER bomb shell.

Apparently Megan would have to "take second place" to another important person in Pete’s life and no, we’re not talking about his dogs. We’re talking his BFF and co-star James Lock. Cute.

13 March

Megan joined the cast of *TOWIE *and during her first appearance she showed up late to a Great Gatsby party hosted in honour of TOWIE’s 200th episode on Pete’s arm (no, we can hardly believe we've watched that much *TOWIE *either).

11 March

Megan posted a video of her and Pete to Snapchat having a romantic night in… with dips and crisps. Because nothing spells love like chips and dips. Nothing.

**10 March **

While there had been no photographs of the couple together, Megan did take to Twitter to post a picture of her with Pete’s dogs. Apparently she was worthy of babysitting Pete’s prized pooches.

29 February

Everything seemed to go quiet after those tweets, but there’s no such thing as peace in Essex, especially when the rumour mill went into over drive that Megan could be joining TOWIE.

heat reported that there were rumours surrounding Megan joining the Essex cast after her two bezzers Courtney Green and Chloe Meadows joined. Plus Danni Armstrong stoked the fire by saying that Megan “would be a great casting.”

5 January

Megan went into the *Celebrity Big Brother *house for a while, but that didn’t stop Pete sending her some messages of encouragement. And Megan just happened to like his tweet. Flirty, eh?

9 December 2015

After favouriting a few of Megan’s tweets, Pete finally made contact by replying to a tweet Megan made about… well …feeling hungover we guess. He even finished the tweet with a kiss, a sign of true romance.

**6 December 2015 **

And let the Twitter flirting (twirting? Flitter?) begin. The pair began liking each other’s tweets, including Megan liking this one of Pete chillin’ with his dogs. And cue the start of a beautiful love story.

Now feast your eyes on Megan McKenna's hottest selfies, why don't you?


Megan McKenna'a sexiest selfies

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Bed head

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

We totally look like this in our PJs. Honest.

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

With FITLORD Pete Wicks

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

It is the actual law we write CHEEKY here.

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Megan! Megan! We can see a bit of your bra.

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Nice clavs.

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Casual tanning session

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Bandage chic

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Those bottoms are teeny-tiny

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Not quite sure what's happening here

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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna


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CREDIT: Instagram

Megan McKenna

Those are impractical pants

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CREDIT: Megan McKenna's Instagram

Megan McKenna sexy selfie

LOOK at that pout

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CREDIT: Megan McKenna's Instagram

Megan McKenna sexy selfie

Check out that pool!

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CREDIT: Megan McKenna's Instagram

Megan McKenna sexy selfie

We doubt she felt blue in this sexy outfit...

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CREDIT: Megan McKenna's Twitter

Megan McKenna sexy selfie

Megs, we need to chat about your contoured boobs

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