The new Emma Watson doll looks like JUSTIN BIEBER in a WIG


Justin Bieber

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Unless you have been taking January to new extremes by hiding away in a cupboard watching Gossip Girl repeats then you will be fully aware of the Beauty and the Beast remake coming to cinemas on 17 March, which looks so good we could wee.

We haven't been THIS excited for something to be aired, since the whole who-killed-Lucy saga, where EastEnder's bosses made us wait for an ENTIRE year before baby-faced Bobby was revealed as the culprit.

Emma Watson has been cast as Belle and we have an inkling she's going to completely SLAY as the book-wormed heroine. We mean,have you seen the trailer?

In the run-up to the new film, Beauty and the Beast merch is already in shops and fans have noticed something very ODD about the Belle/Emma Watson doll...

Justin bieber and emma watson


Justin bieber and emma watson

It is literally Justin Bieber in a wig. Doesn't he look striking with long flowing brown hair? We feel a bit weird fancying him now.

Twitter users were feeling all kinds of confusion. Especially those who accidentally ordered a bewigged Biebs doll.

Justin bieber and emma watson


Justin bieber and emma watson
Justin bieber and emma watson

Other users labeled the toy as horrifying', 'tragic' and 'an abomination', which is mean things to say about Biebs, really. Come on, his face looks like it's been carved by angels? R U BLIND TWITTER?

Will you be bagging yourself a 'Belle' doll? Let us know by tweeting us at @heatworld PLZ.

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