Sarah Harding interrupts Chad Johnson’s Instagram Live with BIZARRE ‘drunk’ rant :o

You'd think Sarah was used to cameras being around her

Sarah Harding and Chad Johnson

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Since winning the Celebrity Big Brother crown a mere few days ago, Sarah Harding has already said she doesn't regret cheating on her then boyfriend Aaron Lacey ONE BIT and now she's effing and blinding o Chad Johnson's Instagram Live video.

Look, Chad just wanted to be #relatable for the #fans on social media. Why, are you being mean, Sarah?

More than 1600 fans were watching The Bachelor star on Instagram Stories, when things turned sour. The Mail Onlinereports that Sarah repeatedly used a 'homophobic slur' and fans messaged asking if she was drunk.

Sarah Harding and Chad Johnson

It started when the Celebrity Big Brother winner shouted 'Chaaaad, come here' to which he replied, 'I can't come here at the moment, I've come here plenty of times.'

The star then replied to a mean comment from a user and defended his girlfriend and said 'She has moments where she disconnects from me, people have that. The times she connects make up for that.'

Sarah then interrupted the niceties and shouted, 'Chad I need to have a wee' to which Chad reminded her, there was '400 people watching right now'.

Makes a change from the millions watching her in CBB, we suppose.

After Chad refused to stop Instagrammin' (we feel you, man) Sarah shouted, 'F** off then!' and slammed the door.

Sarah then moaned 'can you pick me up or not?' before telling Chad that he looked like George Michael 'on a rap squad'.

Sarah Harding and Chad Johnson

Sarah then screamed 'turn it off, p*****.'and called him selfish.

Chad then said: 'Babe what the f***, you haven't even had a drink in four hours, they asked if you were drunk.' and asked her to put some clothes on.

The ex- Girls Aloud star then said: "There's no f******* nipples, there's such a thing as censoring, check can anyone see anything, anyone see nipplage? Test it, can anyone see my t***?"

She then could be heard to say: 'The word crazy was invented by people who are crazy so they can go f*** themselves. I'm f****** tired.'

Chad then said: 'I'm gonna have to end this if you don't end up being a normal human being.'

Sarah then WENT MENTAL and said lots of inappropriate things, including [Chad was] 'talking on phone slated by bitchy a*** f***** take it up the a*** .com.'

Too many asterisks, too little time.

Chad then ended the video, by saying 'I'm sorry, I can't do this'.

This comes just days after the pair were dubbed 'the new Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell' by Nikki Graheme.

Blimey. What do you make of all of this? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter, please.

Now watch: Celebrity Big Brother: the most SHOCKING moments ever


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