Is Gaz Beadle using the Bear CBB situation to get back with Lillie Lexie Gregg?


Gary Beadle Lillie Lexie Gregg LS

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Lillie Lexie Gregg seems to be having a bit of a rough old time of it of late.

She's had to watch Stephen Bear, her actual boyfriend this time three weeks ago, get it on with Chloe Khan in the Celebrity Big Brother toilet, shower and pool.

Grim. Especially as Bear was reportedly going to use his CBB cheque to buy an engagement ring for Lillie.

However, there is a silver lining to the situation. Maybe.

It's said that Gary Beadle, Lillie's ex, has been in contact with her since Bear started sticking his tongue down Chloe's throat.


Chloe and Bear

Kayleigh Morris, Gaz and Bear's *Ex On The Beach *co-star, claims: "He’s been texting her non-stop since the Bear situation.

"I don’t know whether he sees this as an opportunity to swoop back in, but I’d love to see them back together, she continued in Star magazine.

Umm. Good?

But while there's a (very) vague possibility that Lillie and Gaz may reunite, Lillie is clear that there's one place she will never go again: Bear.

Stephen Bear Lillie Lexie Gregg

"Absolutely no way," Lillie told *OK! *magazine.

"If he was in the house for months and I saw him gradually falling for someone that would be understandable, but I can’t understand this," she said of the Bear and Chloe romance.

"I'm in shock. I’m gutted, embarrassed, humiliated, but the Bear I'm watching on the television is unrecognisable as my boyfriend. It never even entered my head that I couldn’t trust him."

We'd feel very sorry for Lillie, if we'd forgotten the thing she said about Charlotte Crosby discussing her ectopic pregnancyin heat. And we haven't forgotten.

*Lillie, Bear and Gaz all star in Ex On The Beach that starts tonight at 10pm on MTV. *

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