Did Lindsay Lohan just confirm there will be ANOTHER Mean Girls?

So bloody fetch.

Linday Lohan

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

The 2004 film Mean Girls was just as much a part of our teenage years as passive-aggressively flipping our Motorola Razors and lip-syncing Rihanna’s ‘Unfaithful’.

From mimicking the questionable sartorial efforts (see: very short skirts and tiny handbags) to shrieking ‘YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US’ the noughties was an incredible time. We literally don’t care.

Hence why we nearly choked on our almond milk latte when Lindsay Lohan - AKA Cady Heron AKA the ‘home-schooled jungle freak’ we would have given up our Jane Norman bag to be - announced this NEWS.

Are you ready?

'I have been trying so hard to do a Mean Girls 2 - it is not in my hands.’

ERMMMM. Lindsay. Hun.

The 30-year-old continued, ‘I know Tina Fey and [Script Writer] Lorne Michaels are very busy. I will keep forcing them and pushing on them until we do it.’

Well, you see Lindsay. That's all well and good but...

‘I would love to have Jamie Lee Curtis and Jimmy Fallon in the movie, I’ve even written a treatment for it, I just need a response!’

HELP. How do we break this to the satsuma-haired hottie?

Mean girls

Maybe during 2011, LiLo was too busy to realise that 'Mean Girls 2' a stand-alone sequel, was actually released. We don't want to bring up old events but the ex-party girl was undertaking community service in the murky depths of that year so probably had other things on her mind.

We do see where Lindsay is coming from though, as Mean Girls 2 was an ABOMINATION. Truly, truly awful. We turned it off half way through so we could stare at the walls.

So a brand new Mean Girls 2 (let's forget the other one ever happened please) starring Lindsay Lohan and Tina Fey would be amazing.

If Lindsay's ‘treatment’ is approved, does this mean Jamie Lee Curtis be the new deliverer of the age-old, 'er you guys need anything? Some snacks... a condom?'

You heard it here first.

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