Justin Bieber is BACK on Instagram and we are in love with his new dog

Meet Todd


by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

We were shocked, concerned and felt a litle sick when Biebs just deleted his Instagram during an epic feud with ex girlfriend Selena Gomez.

All those followers... memories, even the odd wang-holding picture. Lost forever.

Now by some miracle (and by the mighty powers of Instagram HQ) Beibs is back and seems to have turned a new aesthetic direction. His latest posts are off the cutest, fluffiest doggy/mini lioncub EVER.


Justin and Todd

'A fluffy ball named Todd'?!?! WE Can't EVEN DEAL, we WANT a Todd.

"Are you even real, what are you?" Beibs says to Todd who is grinning like an idiot. Did we mention we want a Todd? We really do.

Er, Justin when you fancy another holiday with Sofia Ritchie and need a dogsitter - bring Todd to heat HQ. We would want to do our bit. We are nice like that.

We are also glad the debris from the Gomez vs Bieber fight has seemingly settled and normality is finally back on our favourite picture-sharing app. * Uploads picture of avocado toast with a Valencia filter * Aaaah. Calmy calm calm.

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