Pink’s VMAs speech to her daughter is one that we all NEEDED to hear



by Jeryl Lippe |
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It looks like the 2017 VMAs have reached a high point thanks to powerhouse singer and Video Vanguard Award winner Pink! Besides offering up a killer performance of a medley of her songs, ranging from classics like Get the Party Started to new hits like What About Us, the 37-year-old brought down the house with a self love-themed acceptance speech, and TBH, we’re still crying.


"I know I don’t have a lot of time, but if I may, I’d like to tell you a quick story," she told the audience. “Recently I was driving my daughter to school and she said to me, out of the blue, ‘momma,’ I said, ‘Yes, baby?’ She said, ‘I’m the ugliest girl I know…I look like a boy with long hair.’”

Watch: what Pink's daughter thinks of her shows

The mother-of-two then went on to explain that she created a Powerpoint presentation for her six-year-old girl that showed pop culture icons who became famous for their ambiguous look. “In that presentation [I put] androgynous rockstars and artists that live their truth, are probably made fun of every day of their life and carry on and wave their flag, and inspire the rest of us,” she said. “These are artists like Michael Jackson and David Bowie and Freddy Mercury and Annie Lennox and Prince.”

The rocker then explained that she faces the same criticism. “When people make fun of me, that’s what they use,” she said. “They say that I look like a boy or that I’m too masculine or that I have too many opinions or my body is too strong.”


She then explained to her daughter that she wasn’t going to change to fit the society’s mold. “I said to her, I said, ‘Do you see me growing my hair?’ She said, ‘No, momma.’ I said, ‘Do you see me changing my body?’ She said, ‘No, momma.’ I said, ‘Do you see me changing the way I present myself to the world?’ ‘No, momma.’ ‘Do you see me selling out arenas all over the world?’ ‘Yes, momma,’” she explained. “So, baby girl, we don’t change. We take the gravel in the shell and we make a pearl and we help other people to change so that they can see more kinds of beauty.”

Pink paid homage to her androgynous nature with her family’s matching red carpet looks for the night. The singer along with her hubby Carey Hart and their daughter rocked edgy menswear-inspired looks, and they were honestly flawless! We have got this speech playing on repeat…

This article originally appeared on Life and Style

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