N-Dubz rapper Dappy has reportedly been arrested by armed police

He's being held by police after allegedly hitting a woman with a tennis racket.


by Ruby Norris |
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Former D-Dubz star Costadinos Contostavlos aka Dappy has reportedly been arrested by armed police after he allegedly hit a woman with a tennis racket.

An eyewitness is said to have made the allegations prompting five armed police response units and two patrol cars to attend the scene. It has been claimed in reports that Dappy was believed to have had a knife on him.

According to The Mirror a spokesperson for Herts Police said: "Police were called at 4.30pm on Wednesday May 10 to reports of an incident involving a man and a woman in the street in Roe Green Close, Hatfield.

"The man threatened the woman before leaving the scene. It is believed he had a knife. No one was seriously injured."


A witness also revealed to The Sun: "The police said there was someone with a weapon. Dappy and the girl were screaming and shouting and — when he heard that the police had been called — he shouted, ‘I’ll stab the Old Bill’."

They police later released a statement saying: "A 29-year-old man was arrested in the local area around 6pm on suspicion of assault ABH and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place.

"He was taken to custody for questioning and remains in custody this morning."

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