CBB Bosses plan to extend this series by an entire MONTH


Nicola holding her eye

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Celebrity Big Brother is the pinnacle of telly. Our reason for living during this yawnsville January. The main topic of all our conversations in the work kitchen. We have spoken about ‘Speidi’ so much that our BFF has actually gotten over her fear of spiders.

Our mum actually doesn’t seem ‘alf bad, now that we have watched Kim in action for three weeks.

The only thing that is annoying about the show is how it’s only one month long. Big Brother for the mere mortals is a whole summer, so 30 measly days is just a tease. Like a brief romance with Julius the waiter who leaves you when things start to go great. Lol.

However, the suits at Channel 5 agree and told The Sun Online they are keen to keep the show running for AN EXTRA MONTH. The show is s’posed to be closing it’s multicolored doors on Friday night (4 Feb) yet are doing everything in their power to keep things going. Why? Because it's bloody brillant that's why.

We naturally have a few questions of course. What if Nicola McLean has a holiday booked? What if Jedawrd need their roots touched up? Maybe Bianca has a reservation for a Italian dinner with her secret boyfriend on the outside?

AND OF COURSE. Will germ-killer Kim be able to cope in the house any longer without lashing out and security forcing her to sleep in a spare room? Oh wait, that’s already happened. Our bad.

Kim with security

More of the chicken-livered shits, then.

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