Here’s why the Geordie Shore cast refused to turn up to filming

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Geordie Shore

by Ellie Smith |
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Filming for the next series of Geordie Shore is meant to be underway – but key cast members apparently refused to go into the house because of a big pay row.

The cast were supposed to go into the house yesterday and start filming, but producers cancelled at the last minute as Marnie Simpson, Sophie Kasaei and Nathan Henry were a no-show.

Apparently they were still trying to sort out contracts just hours before they were supposed to start.

Co-stars Abbie Holborn and Chloe Ferry, on the other hand, turned up ready to start filming.

Chloe Ferry boobs
(Instagram: Chloe Ferry) ©(Instagram: Chloe Ferry)

A source told The Sun: “Some of the cast were seething about it. They’re all busy people and have other contractual agreements so the show has to run to schedule for them.

“There are still a couple of people rowing about pay and refusing to budge until the contracts are agreed to their terms. It’s a nightmare.”

Geordie Shore

A few weeks ago it was reported that some of the stars thought they should be getting a pay rise following co-star Gaz Beadle’s decision to leave the show to focus on being a dad.

Emma McVey and Gaz Beadle to welcome baby boy
Instagram ©Instagram

This meant filming was postponed while they tried to iron out issues in the stars’ contracts.

It’s still uncertain as to whether Aaron Chalmers and Marty McKenna will appear on the next series at all. Earlier this month Marty took to social media to reveal he’d been sacked by MTV.

He tweeted: “So I won’t be going back to @mtvgeordieshore as I’ve been sacked according to a few people.”

However sources say no one is sure whether he’s coming back or not.


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