Aaron Chalmers responds to Marnie Simpson saying she still has feelings for him

We totally didn't see that coming, BTW

aaron chalmers

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

We couldn't quite believe our ears during CBB last night, and not just because Heavy D was STILL BOOMING despite being evicted.

Marnie Simpson basically said she still had feelings for Aaron Chalmers and that going back on Geordie Shore could mean sacrificing her relationship with Lewis Bloor.


MArnie Simpson Lewis Bloor

Marns and Lew Lew have their tongues on each other for about 16 hours a day!

Marnie Simpson Lewis Bloor

He said he'd flight a shark for her FFS.


Maybe Heavy and everyone else in the world were right and it IS INDEED a showmance.

She said: "I don’t even know if I want to put myself in that situation because even the way I feel about Lewis, there’s also an ex-boyfriend on there who I’ve always had feelings for and just being in that environment when I’m drunk. I don’t know what I’m doing when I’m drunk. You’ve heard the crazy shit I’ve done."

Oh, Marns.

Predictably, Aaron hasn't stayed quiet on the matter (we imagine he's pretty pleased with himself).

A fan tweeted him saying: "Why is marnie talking about @AaronCGShore on #CBB hahaha."

He replied: "@Kylzxox ah god what's been said."


The tweeter replied: "@AaronCGShore on about her and Lewis being a couple saying she couldn't because of GS and her ex that she's always had feelings for haha."

Aaron then said: @Kylzxox awkward she ain't coming back to me."


This isn't the first time Aaron has taken to Twitter to discuss his relationship with Marnie while she's in the CBB house.

Aaron Chalmers Marnie Simpson

He previously tweeted (and deleted): "Just going to say 1 thing about CBB! Me and Marnie are not together and never will be!! That ship has sunk!! I wish her all the best.”

He followed it up with: "Need to rephrase that as it looked nasty! Me and marnie are both single doing our own thing! I wish her all the best and hope she smashes it."


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