Love Island’s Jess and Mike ‘HAD SEX’ hours after leaving the villa :o

Sorry. WHAT.

Love Island

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

The whole nation watched in shock as Jess Shears and Mike Thalassitis was evicted from the Love Island villa on Wednesday night. We saw Dom's tears/tantrums/threats of quiting over the eviction of his brunette social media influencing girlfriend. We almost believed it was true love. Almost.

A source has confided in The Sun Online that Jess and Mike 'had sex just HOURS after leaving the villa in their hotel room.' Maybe the flowing champers got too much for the pair.

Love Island

The source said, “Jess and Mike fancied the pants off each other from the minute they met – last night was the perfect opportunity to enjoy time together in private off-camera and they didn’t waste a moment.”

“They came out of the villa and immediately went back to the hotel where they were both booked to stay, they had separate rooms but the sexual chemistry between them was too much – one thing led to another and they spent the night in bed together.”

Jess uploaded a photo of the pair to Insta earlier today lookin' well cosy.

jess shears instagram

Love Island 2016 star Sophie Gradon was one of the first to respond to the news with a hilarious (sorry) Twitter post.

Sophie Gradon Twitter

We actually feel kinda sorry for Dom now. Can Caroline Flack give him a little nudge nudge on the next eviction or somethin'?

Christ. We need to lie down.

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