Simon Cowell throws MAJOR SHADE at Niall Horan

Stick a fork in us we are DONE.

Niall Horan

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

So Niall Horan’s achey-heart-breaky new song 'This Town' is here and it has already racked up a massive 7,696,342 views at the time of writing. Even though we would have to own up to 45% of that figure (we are obsessed) that still leaves around 3 million pairs of eyes basking in all his blonde-haired glory.

If you haven't seen it yet, redeem yourself by watching it below:

Yes you can stare at him all day, it's definitely allowed. Remember when Niall said of one night stands, 'Everyone has a grungy night out now and then,' which made us feel all kind of things?

Enter Simon Cowell who cannot lose anything. Never. We bet at his school's Sports Day he scooped up every award, not for his atheltic abilities (lol) but for his scary demeanour that makes us worry about the exam we cheated in when we were nine years old.

When Simon was asked about Niall's new song, he said, ‘He probably would have had a No 1 single if he’d stayed with me.’

‘But you know who does have a No 1 this week? James Arthur . Very pleased he’s back with us with a fantastic record.’

Then the motherload… he quipped, ‘hashtag loyalty!’


It was only released last Thursday Sy and it was a surprise release, so give it a chance will you.

Niall Horan was signed under Simon Cowell's label Syco when he was in the boyband One Direction. The boys

Niall then brought out This Town with the label Capitol Records.

Niall the poor lamb. He was quite literally mugged off on the radio by a 'fan' last week.

We wonder what Niall's response will BE.

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