Scarlett Moffatt could be getting her own comedy show

She's v funny, tbf.

Scarlett Moffatt Ant and Dec

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Who watched Scarlett Moffatt on Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway this weekend? She was bloody great wasn't she?

The reigning Queen of the Jungle helped propel the boys to a ratings boom and seemed more than comfortable navigating her way around live TV.

So, it comes as little surprise that Scarlett has reportedly filmed a secret pilot episode for a brand new prime-time comedy show on Channel 4, called The Comedy Project.

The show would see Scar – known for her hilarious whips and one-liners – appearing in a number of sketches with famous impressionists and character comedians.

Scarlett Moffatt
©Instagram / scarlett_moffatt

According to The Sun, a source has revealed: "Scarlett is now in huge demand from the TV industry.

"Channel 4 feel they created her through Gogglebox and don’t want to lose her to ITV.

"She was the first celebrity who they approached to do the pilot for The Comedy Project, which is likely to become a big show for them."


This comes after the, frankly devo, news that The Moffatt family will no longer be on Gogglebox.


After a spokesperson for Channel 4 revealed the Moffatt family "will not be appearing in this series," a source told The Sunday People: "The whole premise of Gogglebox is normal people commenting on the TV.

"Scarlett is now a celebrity in her own right so it made sense she wouldn’t continue.

"She and her parents came as a package. It wouldn’t work so well without all three of them."

:( :( :(


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