Professor Green hints at his ‘interesting’ sex life with gorgeous wife Millie Mackintosh

Pro Green says him and Millie keep each other interested in the bedroom


by Ellie Henman |
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At the launch of his first autobiography, Professor Green and Millie Mackintosh looked more loved up then ever. Just days after Pro – real name Stephen Manderson – revealed he and Millie had been seeing therapists, he’s now admitted that they are very good at one thing: kissing and making up.

More news!

“Millie and I argue over her not turning the lights off, me leaving my boxers on the floor – even though it might get heated, it's healthy,” Stephen told MailOnline.

“We have got into heated arguments in the past, but everyone gets heated at times! And we do kiss and make up… a lot! We are f**king married! We keep each other interested and surprise each other. There have been a lot of pleasant games played.”

TMI, Pro. But we love that you’re both happy.

When the couple first got together back in 2011, eyebrows were raised at the pretty heiress finding love with rapper Pro but, they’ve proved all their critics wrong.

And the secret to their happiness? It’s all in the humour, according to Stephen.

He added: “We spend our whole time taking the mickey out of each other and we love it! It is never mean, it is just a giggle and if it wasn’t then I wouldn’t be with her! Your looks are going to go but your sense of humour always stays!”

Wise words.


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