Lush have released a Harry Potter bath bomb and we are living for it

Soz, no Muggles allowed xoxox

Harry potter

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

We are a basic bitch for both Insta-worthy baths and Harry Potter and we ain't apologising. Nuh-huh, Honey. We like what we know and we know what we like.

So when the universe mixed the two greatest things to have blessed our lives (with Love Island's Chris and Kem a close third) we understandably went BLOODY MENTAL.

Thanks to the guys at Lush, a HARRY POTTER BATH BOMB EXISTS and you can buy it right now. Whatsapp your Potter-uhbsessed fans with the good news, pronto.

The Dark Arts bath bomb is inspired by the famous boy wizard and it leaves your bath looking v. shimmery and magical. Though your skin will be left as smooth as Jamie Laing at heatworld's Love Island party (shameless plug alert), the actual bath bomb admittedly isn't the prettiest thing ever.

Bath bomb

But we are grown-ups that have realised pretty doesn't always equal brilliant. Unless it's Cole Sprouse.

"When you're feeling like going to the dark side, dabble in the dark arts, slither into a hot bath and cast this Jelly Bomb into the water," reads the Lush website.

It is infused with almond essential oil, Brazilian orange oil, and cinnamon leaf oil, making it smell INCREDIBLE, and also great for your skin. "Relax and restore yourself and rise anew from the cinders," says Lush.

There's also the Cloak of Invisibility bath bomb, and a Divination one too.

Race you to the check-out?

Eddie Redmayne and Daniel Radcliffe get VERY serious about wands

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