The best hen party sashes money can buy

'Cos are you even a bride without a garish sash, L-plates and deely-boppers?

Paris Hilton

by Ruby Norris |
Updated on

We're slowly creeping into Wedding Season and you've probably already got about 482082 weddings and hen-dos in the pipeline (what is it about the summer and people suddenly rushing up the aisle, eh? We don’t physically have enough floral dresses to see us through, rn).

If you're a blushing bride or more of an 'always the bridesmaid…' vibe, and have been tasked with the practically impossible task of organising a purse-friendly hen-do that caters to the whole bridal party' very specific tastes (spa weekend or 4-day Vegas blow out, ladies?), then you've probably also had sleepless nights worrying about finding that perfect hen party sash. 'Cos are you even a bride if you're not rocking a garish sash, L-plates and deely-boppers on a wiiiiild night out in Brighton?

Well we've done the hard work for you and scoured the internet to find some the best hen-do sashes money (a fiver) can buy. 'Ere ya go.

1. For the Beyoncé-loving bride

Beyonce hen sash

You can get this sash for £2.95 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=0210e51fa1dd0ae54ca3b52ff2f5a151&language=en_GB)

2. For the Bridezilla

bridezilla hen sash

You can get this sash for £2.94 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=a061425655684e5fee776e0e5207e646&language=en_GB)

3. For the elegant bride-to-be

classy hen sash

You can get this sash for £8.95 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=151489c2be7eeed82b30573d350b4cc4&language=en_GB)

4. For the alternative hen-do

divorced hen sash

You can get this sash for £4.99 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=c24a359ace7dfef032daed008d78eeaa&language=en_GB)

5. For the vintage hen-do

floral hen sash

You can get this sash from £5.67 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=97ae4f99ff872d173a79ac516fe2d043&language=en_GB)

6. For the geeky bride-to-be

Geek hen party sash

You can get this sash for £4.95 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=302acf33d8fb20db6dfebc9545d174a1&language=en_GB)

7. For when we remember it's the groom's day too

groom sash

You can get this sash for £3.95 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=8d415271048520efc76028594550dfc7&language=en_GB)

8. For the personalised hen-do

personalised hen sash

You can get this sash for £4.49 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=8d415271048520efc76028594550dfc7&language=en_GB)

9. For the bride obsessed with Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars

You can get this sash for £2.95 at [Amazon]( heatworld01-21&linkId=d6d146eb9c3348046857d1f8adf60d46&language=en_GB)


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