Chanelle Hayes SLAMS Cheryl over post-baby body

Bit harsh, Chanelle

Chanelle Hayes

by Nathan Katnoria |
Published on

Former Big Brother star Chanelle Hayes has criticised Cheryl for how quickly she has managed to lose weight after giving birth.

Cheryl gave birth to her first child with boyfriend Liam Payne, Bear, in March - and has since shared pictures her body on Instagram and appeared at a charity football match in a crop top earlier this month.

Chanelle, who gave birth to her own son Frankie last month, has spoken out against the singer, claiming that it’s unfair how quickly Cheryl regained her figure.

“She has all that money and her mum’s there all the time to look after the baby while she does a million crunches. I don’t think it’s fair – it’s put me off her,” Chanelle told Reveal magazine.

The new mum has always been open about her body image struggles and even referred to herself as a ‘pregnant fat whale’ in an appearance on This Morning earlier this year.

Chanelle Hayes This Morning
(Credit: ITV) ©ITV

Now that she’s given birth, Chanelle plans on working out five times a week and improving her diet to try and lose any weight she gained during her pregnancy and has even told her boyfriend that he’s not allowed to propose until she’s slimmer.

Since hitting out at Cheryl, Chanelle has come under fire on social media.

“I doubt Cheryl will lose any sleep over this… how ridiculous and petty,” wrote one Twitter user.

But the ex-BB housemate has defended her comments, claiming that ‘[people] need to calm down’.

Chanelle Hayes Cheryl tweets

Made in Chelsea’s Binky Felstead has also previously criticized Cheryl’s post-baby body as not being ‘real life’.

“Cheryl hasn’t been in the public eye since having the baby and so she’s looking amazing now. That isn’t real life,” she told new! magazine.

"I was papped breastfeeding with a blanket over me and looked truly exhausted, and that’s what mummies want to see - not someone lounging in the sun. But good on her, you can’t bash anyone for wanting to get their body back."


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