Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell – a timeline of their beautiful love story

Well, where do we begin…

stephanie davies

by heatworld |
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Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell have been a topic at the heat office for quite some time (OVER A YEAR) ever since getting together in January 2016, but they seem to be on and off faster than Kim Kardashian's bra.

So what's actually going on?

Here's a quick recap for ya.

they got together in CBB, broke up, Steph revealed she was pregnant, Jezza denied being the father, she had the baby, he went on This Morning to bitch about her / get a DNA test, it turned out he was the father (SHOCKER), he (seemingly) moved to Liverpool to co-parent with Steph, and loadsa people thought they were back together.

AND NOW (14/3/17) they've unfollowed each other on social media, because Steph is apparently pissed off that he's going on Ex On The Beach. That may just be the most 2017 thing we've ever written.

Let's have a look back at everything that's happened so far.

Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell in Celebrity Big Brother

It all started when Stephanie and Jeremy both entered the Celebrity Big Brother house on 5 January 2016. But Steph wasn't exactly single - she'd been in a relationship with male model Sam Reece for almost two years, and had even said she wanted to marry him in pre-CBB interviews.

But that didn’t stop her from falling for Jeremy's Irish charms (and 10-inch penis. Apparently). The pair were flirting, kissing and doing god knows what under the covers during their time in the house, causing a lot of tension and few arguments between the housemates - with Danniella Westbrook in particular taking it upon herself to set Steph straight.

Stephanie Davis and Sam Reece

  • Monday 11 January Despite their very public flirting, Sam Reece refused to condemn Steph - though he did issue a statement saying he'd no longer support her during CBB on Twitter.

  • **Thursday 21 January ** Sam managed to win over the public by holding his silence on the developing Jephanie sitch. Buuuut it then came out that he'd apparently cheated on Steph while she was in the house.

Stephanie with boyfriend Sam Reece
Stephanie with boyfriend Sam Reece
  • Wednesday 27 January While this was going on outside the house, inside things were heating up - with Jez telling Steph during a particularly smoochy under-the-sheets convo that he's part of her now. Boak.

Jeremy and the "pigeon s**t" knickers
Jeremy and the "pigeon s**t" knickers
  • Friday 29 January Steph got a phone call from her dad telling her that he was really proud of her, but the general public could hear and see EVERYTHING she was doing. Despite a bit of a sobbing breakdown, even that didn't stop the pair from pawing at each other on live TV.

Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell
Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell
  • Friday 29 January In Jeremy's CBB exit interview, he confessed to feeling guilty over his and Steph’s relationship. He even issued an apology to Sam.

Nice wigs, Jezza
Nice wigs, Jezza
  • Saturday 30 January Meanwhile, Megan McKenna had been out of the house for eight days, travelling the country for a bunch of personal appearances. She sparked headlines after tweeting THIS thinly veiled message towards Sam Reece:


  • Thursday 4 February Steph then bizarrely declared her love for Jez while still in the Big Brother house. Viewers watched as she fondled the pendant he'd given her before his eviction and blew kisses at his portrait.

  • Saturday 6 February Steph only just missed out on being crowned CBB 2016 winner (Scotty T scooped it instead), and Jez was in the audience to watch her exit. However, the first cheating rumour had already started swirling around, concerning Jeremy and a Newcastle club dancer called Caroline Pope (Scotty T's friend). Oh Jez.

Err, Jezza? You've got something in your hair, mate
Err, Jezza? You've got something in your hair, mate
First Dates’ Sam Reece tells heat the TRUTH behind his date!
  • Sunday 7 February Jeremy then laughed off the cheating rumours (about him and Caroline) and bragged about him and Steph working on their relationship.

jeremy mcconnell and stephanie davis
jeremy mcconnell and stephanie davis ©instagram
Steph with boyfriend Sam Reece (yeah, that one off First Dates)
Steph with boyfriend Sam Reece (yeah, that one off First Dates)
  • Monday 8 February We thought all was great… Until we found out that Steph and Jeremy had a HUGE argument on the night of the CBB final about those cheating claims. Megan McKenna had to step in to calm them both down, and it looked like they might have been on the brink of breaking up before they'd even enjoyed their first week as a free couple.

Stephanie has been flirting with Jeremy on CBB
Stephanie has been flirting with Jeremy on CBB
  • Tuesday 9 February But all seemed well again when Steph said on Loose Women that she couldn’t believe she found Jez who loves her. Cute. She also revealed that she'd dumped Sam over text – as you do.

Jeremy McConnell and Stephanie Davis
Jeremy McConnell and Stephanie Davis ©Wenn
Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell
Steph and Jez in Ireland
  • Monday 15 February But then Jezza's friend got involved and told heat he doesn't trust Steph, because of, you know, the whole Sam/Jez thing.

  • Saturday 20 February Thennnnnn there were rumours that the pair had split. Jez tweeted and deleted a bunch of angry messages and they unfollowed each other on Twitter. Things were looking serious.

  • Monday 22 February But just two days later, Steph assured us that all was well between them. What the damn hell?

  • Tuesday 23 February The pair then took to social media and shared a few posts about enjoying breakfast in bed.

  • Wednesday 24 February Once again all seemed well until Jeremy's ex-girlfriend got involved and warned Steph to watch her back. Erm, where had you been, love?

  • Wednesday 2 March Then it got a bit messy when Scotty T let slip that Jez did sleep with Caroline Pope. Le gasp! The CBB winner quickly backtracked by pointing out technically it wasn’t cheating as Steph was still with Sam Reece. Hmm.

  • Wednesday 2 March The damage was done, because Jez and Caroline had both denied their steamy night on the Toon. Understandably, Steph went a bit cray on Twitter - then Caroline admitted to Steph that she HAD slept with Jeremy on the night in question. Righttttt.

  • Thursday 3 March It THEN emerged that Jez had slept with three other women. Oh Jez.

  • Friday 4 March Which leads us to Jez saying he was DONE with Steph.

Jeremy and Steph
Jez and Steph
  • Tuesday 8 March But oh - what's this? Stephanie, who's taken herself off to Mallorca for a much-needed break amid the cheating furore seems to have been joined by... Jeremy. Neither of them publicly confirm they're out there together but Jez's Snapchat shows a suspiciously lush palm-tree scene which looks remarkably similar to Steph's...

Jeremy McConnell snapchat
Jeremy McConnell snapchat
  • Friday 11 March Jez checks himself in to Palma de Mallorca on Facebook, which pretty much proves he and Steph were on holiday together. They're already back in Blighty together, with Jeremy heading off to another club appearance in the evening. Reports claim Steph has confirmed their reunion on Instagram, but the message is deleted before it's widely seen.

  • Monday 14 March Yep, definitely back together - Jezza posts this Snapchat of Steph trying to sleep as proof. Mean.

  • Wednesday 16 March Scotty T SLAMS Jephanie in an interview, branding Steph a "liar" and saying Jeremy isn't doing himself any favours by staying with her. Given how close these two lads were in the CBB house, it's a pretty damning indictment...

cbb 2016 jeremy mcconnell scotty t
Stephanie Davis
Stephanie shows off her new blonde hair
Vicky Pattison Jeremy McConnell

Friday 6 May One-day later, and Steph doesn’t seem fazed that she could come face to face with ex Sam Reece (who she ditched for Jez) at the Mr Manchester event. Sam had to stand by as we watched Steph fall for Jeremy in the CBB house. Could Steph be hitting back at Jeremy by letting everyone know via Twitter (shocker) that she’s attending?

Friday 13 May One week after the split, Steph grabs the headlines again, this time after she’s seen getting over Jeremy with *Ex On The Beach *star Jordan Davies. Steph and Jordan were on a night out in Manchester, and she was perfectly happy for them to be seen having a good time. As always, Steph launched a Twitter tirade defending herself.

Monday 16 May If you haven’t already lost the will with these two (we wouldn’t blame you) the next twist in their tale is a BIGGIE. Steph suddenly announced via Instagram (obvs) that she’s pregnant… With Jez’s baby! After his denial, and various tweets Steph then decides to quit Twitter. See you in about an hour, Steph.

To get your head around this crazy revelation, we’ve created a run down about everything we know so far about the feud between Steph and Jeremy over her pregnancy. You’re welcome.

Stephanie Davis's pregnancy

Stephanie Davis's pregnancy was, to put it bluntly, absolutely jam-packed full to the brim with dramz.

She was targeted by horrid trolls who frequently enjoyed claiming she was faking her pregnancy, even after countless reveals of her baby bump.

Meanwhile, Jezza was pretty much nowhere to be seen.

The birth of Stephanie Davis's baby Caben-Albi

Caben-Albi was born on on January 13 2017, and he's SO ADORABLE.

Jeremy McConnell on This Morning

Jeremy then appeared as a guest on This Morning to bitch about Steph / get a DNA test.

He also discussed with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield the events of the past few months, explaining of their relationship: " I wasn’t used to any of that and I was probably immature. I've learnt... it's something you have to go through and we did go through a lot. "

He also added: "There were certain things I wasn’t happy about. She told me that personally that she was with other people."

And when discussing the paternity of baby Caben, he said: "I never said once I wasn’t the father.

"I just want reassurance.

"I think Steph was totally faithful when we were together. It was just when we broke up during that month."

Of his decision to talk to publicly about the situation, he said: "This is the last time I'm talking about the situation. When she makes it public, I have to defend himself.

"I hope I am the dad. I just want to sort it."

He also hit back at Stephanie Davis' actions during this time, explaining: "I have my own flaws but what she'd trying to do is commandeer the public.

"I think she's waving it. She's trying to make me look like the bad guy and it's not the case.

"The son 110% could be mine.

"It's time to put both our differences aside and do the right thing. It's really self-explanatory the whole situation, it could have been dealt with differently from the start."

He said that his relationship with Steph was "toxic" and that: " I never once said I wouldn’t [want to be the dad] what kind of man would do that?

"Maybe my silence was seen as weakness but that's not the case."

There was talk of a contract that Steph's legal team have created. They weren't allowed to discuss it on the show, but Phil said he wouldn't sign it himself, and Jeremy agreed.

Is Jeremy McConnell the father of Steph Davis's baby?

BIG shocker - yes he is! It turned out he was the father, and went straight to Liverpool to meet his baby son.

And this is when things started heating up between the two once more.

They followed each other on social media (romantic) and it was reported that they'd had a secret reunion.

A source told The Sun: "Jeremy spent the weekend in Liverpool and finally got to meet his son for the first time – and spent some time with Steph too.

"It was an emotional reunion between him and Stephanie but close pals were glad to see the pair finally putting their past behind him."

"Caben is well and truly their priority now – nothing else matters other than the health and happiness of the baby."

So... Are Jeremy McConnell and Stephanie Davis together?

They were then spotted taking Caben out for a romantic stroll, and it was reported that Jezza was staying in Liverpool "for the foreseeable future".

Fuelling rumours that the fire is still burning despite all the dramzzz, Jez liked a picture of Steph looking PHWOARRR in her underwear on Instagram last night.

The throwback snap, posted by Steph with a lengthy caption about how she wants to get back to her pre-baby bod, clearly got Jez's attention.


Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell co-parenting

After all the speculation about whether Jeremy and Steph were back together, a representative for Steph told The Mirror: "At this present time they’re co-parenting and it works. Together they’re discussing Caben’s wants and needs and deciding what’s best.

"Caben will always be their number one priority and being the best parents to their little boy is paramount to them both.

"Stephanie would like to thank everyone for all the support that they continue to give."

That clears that up, then!

Stephanie Davis supports Jeremy McConnell at his dad's funeral

In early March, Stephanie Davis was spotted accompanying Jeremy to Ireland to attend his dad's funeral with him

Speaking to The Sun online, a source said: "Jeremy is absolutely heartbroken by the death of his dad.

"After suffering so much tragedy and sadness in his lift at such a young age, it’s made him more determined than ever to have a strong family unit with Stephanie and Caben.

"The last year he didn’t behave his best to Steph, but he’s now seen the error of his ways and wants to provide a stable and loving home for his boy.

"The fact that Steph jetted to be with him has meant so much to him, he needs her now more than ever.

"Today will be one of the hardest days of his life."

Stephanie Davis and Jeremy McConnell fight over him going on Ex On The Beach

The latest development (14/03/2017) is that the pair have unfollowed each other on social media, which we all know is basically 2017 for having a public screaming match and throwing each other’s possessions in the river.

A source told The Sun Online: “Steph has not been happy for some time about Jeremy going in to Ex On The Beach.”

It’s been reported Jezza has signed up to the next series, AND Steph’s ex Sam Reece (the one who Steph cheated on Jeremy with with in CBB) is said to be in talks.

This comes after a source told Closer mag last week: "Steph is really worried about Jeremy being on the show. She knows what Jeremy is like after a few drinks and she's worried he could embarrass her.

"She’s also stressed out about seeing him flirting with other girls - they’re not officially together at the moment but Steph worries she will feel a pang of jealousy and that it will cause problems.

"Steph is terrified of Jeremy coming face-to-face with Sam. The show is all about relationships so she is bound to come up in conversation.

"She’s worried that the two of them could bond and even dish the dirt on her if they use her as their mutual ground."

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