Who the hell is Lillie Lexie Gregg dating?

Lillie Lexie Gregg

by Ruby Norris |
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UPDATE: We think we've found him! Take a sneak peek at Lille Lexie Gregg's new footballer beau!

Poor old Lillie Lexie Gregg has been a bit unlucky in love recently. She was left heartbroken when Gary Beadle abruptly ended their two-year relationship. Then, while appearing on Ex On The Beach, Lillie found out that the Geordie Shore star had actually cheated on her with Aussie beauty, Chrysten Zenoni.

We had higher hopes for her relationship with CBB and Ex On The Beach star, Stephen Bear. But those hopes were quickly squashed this summer when Bear hooked up with Chloe Khan in the Big Brother house. Who could forget the AWKS situation when Lillie entered the house to confront Bear?

Despite this PAINFUL episode, we still kind-of wanted Bear to win. He did work really, really hard for all that camera time. However, since then, we've learned that Bear actually broke Lillie's heart and kissed Chrysten during Ex On The Beach. We're not so keen on that tattooed rascal anymore.

Talking of rascals and tats, we've spotted a new bit of tattooed totty – hereby known as Mystery Man – cropping up in Lillie's Snapchats.

Unfortunately, Lillie is being very coy and not revealing Mystery Man's face, sneakily using her ADORBS dog as a decoy. JUST SHOW US HIS FACE PLEASE, LILLS!

Lillie Lexie Gregg

This air of mystery has got us thinking (which is not always a good thing). Could this possibly be the return of an ex-flame? Fans have been comparing MM's sleeve tattoos to those of a Mr Stephen Bear's. COULD IT REALLY BE?

Well, we did some digging and on closer inspection, the hidden hunk couldn't possibly be Bear. The tattoos just don't add up.

We're going to have to keep stalking the fashion designer's Snapchat in the hope we get a sneaky glimpse of this fella's face.

In the mean time Lillie shares lots of cute snaps of this guy, so it’s a win/win.

Lillie Lexie Gregg


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