Liam Payne’s taken Cheryl off his Instagram profile – what does it MEAN?

We cannot take the drama.


by Eden Lord |
Published on

It was only on Sunday evening that Liam Payne changed his Instagram profile pic to a black and white snap of him and Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, seemingly confirming their relationship.

But today he changed it to a picture of just him.

What does this mean, people?

Lets go over all things that have happened over the last couple of days:

  • Liam apparently confirmed his relationship with Chez by changing his Instagram picture to the two of them and his bio to the word ‘Happy’.

  • Then it was revealed that the pair have been flirting on Instagram.

  • AND THEN the cute couple were spotted doing a midnight shop in Tesco’s.

If doing the big shop together isn't love, we don't know what is.

  • Liam also deleted all traces of ex-girlfriend Sophia Smith from his Instagram AND he unfollowed her (she was the only person he was following).


  • We also spotted that Liam uploaded this cute picture of a rose on Valentine’s Day, which was apparently for Chez.

But even though we’re MEGA jealous, our favourite picture on his Instagram is definitely the topless one he put up a few days ago. He's so dreamy.

Cheryl also changed her Instagram picture and, of course, is looking gorgeous!

But what does the change of Liam’s Instagram picture mean? WE NEED ANSWERS.

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