Stephanie Davis tweets about giving birth and it’s not pretty

She's talking about the future, calm down everyone

Stephanie Davis covers mouth

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Stephanie Davis is currently our favourite pregnant woman.

Whether she's talking about morning sickness of posting pictures of her purchases to Instagram, we are glued to her every move and will be every day until she pops or posts a picture of her bump.

Although if she sells her stomach snaps to a rival we'll lose interest. Just putting that out there.

Anyway, Steph's been posting about giving birth! On Twitter.

Not that she's given birth yet, obvs. She's only… actually, does anyone know how far along Steph is?

Jeremy McConnell gave us far more details than we needed about his ex-girlfriend's menstrual cycle when denying the baby was his/that Steph is with child (the cad) but we're still not sure.

And now Steph has been doing something we would NOT recommend any pregnant woman does, not matter what their trimester: watched One Born Every Minute.

Steph cc'd in her mum and her brother to this anguished tweet, suggesting that she's chosen them as her birth partners:

When we first read this we thought Steph meant that Jordan and Pauline would have their hands in Steph's womb like an episode of All Creatures Great And Small with Steph as the cow.

But on second reading we think she just means that she'll be gripping them really hard.

Steph also said she was "in bits" watching the show.

We didn't catch One Born as we were really quite involved in watching a dog with a big stick out of the window but the baby was probably alright. We hope.

Steph's also been posting about her pregnancy cravings. At least, that's the conclusion we draw from this gherkin monstrosity:

We're with her on the barbeque sauce though, it's the best one. Sweet curry being a close second.

We wonder if any fans will have anything to say about her sauce consumption. Remember when they went wild over lager-gate?

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