Katie Price is DIVORCING Kieran Hayler

He's been 'romping the nanny' in every room, apparently

Katie Price and Kieran Hayler

by Aimee Jakes |
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Katie Price is DIVORCING hubby Kieran Hayler after he admitted to a year-long affair with their children's nanny.

A very heartbroken Pricey told The Sun she had found out about the affair when she discovered intimate emails between both Kieran and their nanny Nicki Brown.


She said: “I was gutted. For a year I was basically paying her to f*** my husband.”

Katie said she sobbed and screamed “like a lunatic” as Kieran confessed.

She said: “Kieran told me they were f***ing all over my house for a year.

“They had sex everywhere except in our bedroom, they even did it in the kids’ bathroom.

“When I confronted him he denied it at first, even when I said she’d admitted it. I was crying, asking, ‘How could you do this to me again?’

Katie then confronted Nicki Brown, the children's nanny, about the alleged romping.

The former glamour model revealed, “I was screaming, ‘Why would you do this knowing what I’ve been through? Just tell me the truth, why would you f*** him?’

“She claimed he had ‘brainwashed’ her into it and that he had ‘forced’ her to have sex.

Kieran infamously cheated on Katie with her best friend Jane Pountney in 2014 and the pair had been pals since they were 15-years-old. They haven't spoken since their dramatic showdown, where Katie admitted she 'thought Jane was dead' when she heard a crack during their fight.

Since Kieran admitted the affair, Katie tweeted three broken heart emojis to her 2.1 million followers.

This is Katie's third marriage. She has been married twice previously, first to Peter Andre between 2005 – 2009 and then Alex Reid between 2010 – 2012.

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