Lauren Goodger hits back at claims fans are slamming her appearance

Sassy Lozza

Lauren Goodger

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Since we heard the news that she would be stepping back out on to the streets of Brentwood, we were eagerly awaiting the return of original cast member, Lauren Goodger.

We wondered what pearls of wisdom Lauren could offer Megan McKenna in the wake of Pete Wicks' sexting scandal.

And despite a short but sweet appearance on the show, Lauren had some sound advice for her gal pal Megan.

Lauren encouraged Megan to think long and hard about whether she could work through her problems with Pete, explaining: "I want you to stay with Pete, because I think he's good for you."

She then continued: "But will you ever forgive him for it?"

Before ending with this food for thought: "Can you sit at dinner with him, can you sleep with him again? This is what you need to ask yourself."


Many viewers took to Twitter to praise Lauren for her sound words of advice.

One fan wrote: "Love the mature @LaurenGoodger & her words if wisdom..Spoken by someone who has been, done that…#Towie"

Other viewers, however, we're not so appreciative of Lauren's pearls of wisdom and instead decided to focus on the reality star's appearance.

According to the Daily Mirror, "fans of the show blasted her mere presence" with tweets such as "Lauren Goodger wtf did you do to your face?" and "Ask me if i can be assed with lauren pan face goodger on me tele, go on ask me, NA I PROPER CANT [sic]"

Lauren Goodger

Woah, bit harsh.

Fear not, though, this new mature Lauren Goodger is full of sass and took to Twitter herself to challenge an article saying TOWIE fans were slamming her appearance.

She replied to Mirror Celeb: "and what's happened to my face? I don’t have lip fillers anymore? What's wrong with it"

Lauren Goodger

Lauren then proceeded to retweet all the lovely things fans had said about her TOWIE comeback.

And there were quite a lot. TAKE THAT HATERS!

Although, opinion is still very much divided over Lozza's choice of handbag for the scene.

Ahead of last night's show, Lauren posted a picture on Instagram alongside her cast mates Megan and Chloe Sims, however it was her handbag that caught her followers eyes.

For all the wrong reasons.

The black bag, blazoned with a barking rottweiler, didn’t go down too well with everyone.

One person commented: "not too sure on the bag tbh," while another was a little less polite: "the worst thing is bet she paid loads for that ! I'm still so ill and still confused and that still made me double take"

We're just happy to have a bit of the Goodger back on our screens.


There's going to be a Love Island baby!

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