Is Katie Salmon going on Ex On The Beach?

Who's facing the Tablet of Terror?

Ex on The Beach

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Personally, we can't think of anything worse than spending a summer shacked up in a villa with a load of horny, semi-naked guys and gals, constantly wondering if that bloke we once had a five-minute fling with is about to clamber out of the sea and make our lives hell.

But some people clearly thrive on the dramz, and live for exes popping up left, right and centre hence the fact Ex On The Beach is currently on its sixth season AND THERES MORE TO COME.

A load of celebs seem to want a piece of the action, too, so we'd thought we'd update you will all the gossip and rumoured line up for Ex On The Beach series 7.

Who's facing the Tablet of Terror on the next season of Ex On The Beach?

From Joshua Ritchie's unparalleled shit-stirring to the whole Nicole Bass – Jacques Fraser – Frankie Spong cheating saga, we're still caught up in all the drama from the current series (you can get to know all the cast here, btw), but some BIG names have been thrown around for the next series and we're pretty excited.

Katie Salmon

Katie Salmon

The latest celeb name to join the rumourmill is Love Island's Katie Salmon, who many believe was accidentally outed as going on* Ex On The Beach* by Channel 5 during Sex Pod. That may just be the most 2017 sentence we have ever written.

Before she entered the pod, the voiceover said: "Next in the queue and seeking advice on their sex lives is celebrity stylist Sam Giffen and best pal Ex On The Beach's Katie Salmon."

Did producers accidentally reveal she's been signed up? Or did they just get a bit confused cos Love Island and Ex On The Beach are a kinda similar vibe.


One fan wrote on Twitter: "Katie Salmon did Celebrity Sex Pod just confirm that you're going to be on Ex On The Beach or did they get that mixed up with Love Island?"

Chloe Ferry

Chloe Ferry

Geordie Shore's Chloe Ferry is pretty much a reality TV dream. She runs around the place doing whatever the hell she wants, getting mortal, eating chicken nuggets and just not giving a flying f*ck, basically.

Speaking to The Sun, a source revealed: "Chloe is great TV and is certain to stir things up on the show.

"She doesn’t hold hold back at all and after a few drinks she will definitely tell people what she thinks of them."

Read more here.

Marco Pierre White Jr

marco pierre white jnr

He was one of Big Brother's most outrageous housemates, so we won't lie – we are very, very up for this.

A source said: "Producers think that putting him on a show like Ex On The Beach will bring out an even dirtier side of him and make this series the sexiest ever.

"When he was in the Big Brother house his antics shocked the nation – and he was only in there for a week," they continued to The Sun Online.

"He could spend an entire month in the EOTB villa, which combined with the sunshine, booze and plenty of hot girls is sure to mean plenty of sexy encounters and huge ratings."

Read more here.

Sam Reece

Sam Reece

It's rumoured that Sam's just signed up for the next series of Ex On The Beach.

A source told The Sun: "Sam went to MTV’s headquarters in London earlier this month to discuss appearing on the show.

"Bosses know he would be an amazing signing for the sake of what he could say about Stephanie."

Read more here.

Jeremy McConnnell

Jeremy McConnell Steph Davis

A show insider said: "MTV bosses have wanted to get Jez on the show for years but finally they’ve signed him up.

"He’s the ultimate lad, and producers know it’s a dead cert that he’ll charm the ladies, have a good craic with the boys, and be a hit with viewers."

Plus if the rumours are true about Sam Reece - it could make for some VERY interesting viewing.

Read more here.

Steph Davis

Steph Davis joins Loose Women
©Loose Women/Instagram

With Sam and Jeremy apparently heading off for a nice, relaxing stay on an ex-filled beach, rumours have been rife that Stephanie Davis will be joining them.

She was reportedly offered a 'blank cheque' to appear in the new series, but Steph later took to Twitter to squash the rumours.

She wrote: "I'm shocked and surprised by what I'm reading in the press today. I will not be appearing on any reality tv programme anytime soon."

:( :( :(

Sam Callahan

Sam Callahan

Former X Factor contestant Sam Callahan is also rumoured to be jetting of to Ex On The Beach.

A source told The Sun: "Sam is the best shape he’s ever been in, he’s been training so hard and now we know why.

"He’s been having conversations with the Ex on the Beach production company since last year and looks to be signing on the dotted line..."

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