Katie Price jokes ‘I’ll be married again in five weeks’

What did we tell you about underestimating the Pricey...

Katie Price

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Say what you like about Katie Price, but she has massive balls and they're made of steel. And she probably doesn't care, either.

After announcing her plans to divorce Kieran Hayler after it was revealed he had a year-long affair with the 'smelly' nanny, she appeared on Loose Women today in a pre-recorded episode where the panelists discussed cheating.

Katie Price Kieran Hayler
(Credit: Getty Images) ©Getty Images

Either Katie was fully aware of Kieran's affair and the entire conversation was horribly painful for her or it was a VERY WEIRD coincidence indeed.

Katie Price

The 39-year-old appeared on the Bank Holiday special where the topic was the different ways women and men react to break-ups and cheating, meaning we have a pretty good idea of how KP is acting IRL now...

... she is wanting to know EVERY. DETAIL.

Katie answered how she would deal with someone cheating on her, '"I like them to be open with me.

"I have to know everything - in my head, I have to know everything, every detail, just everything.

"I have to know everything."

Of course, the Pricey did find out everything about Kieran's affair with Nicki Brown and revealed to The Sun that Kieran had 'romped the children's nanny in every room in the house' and smelled of 'body odour and cigarettes'.


When onto the subject of men supposedly moving on to another relationship faster after break-ups, the former glamour model joked 'Apart from me! I marry after five weeks!'

Then she quipped, 'Nobody's faster than the Pricey!'

There is nothing we love more than those who don't take themselves too seriously.

So, er... with that news in mind, we are off to buy a flouncy hat and a bottle of fizz. We predict Katie will be married to someone with hulk-like arms before Halloween.

P.s. Katie, keep your 'friends' AWAY.

Now watch:11 of the most brilliantly baffling quotes to have come out of Gemma Collin's mouth


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