Michelle Keegan’s FITLORD ex boyfriend is on The X Factor

Oh HEYYY Brad,

Brad howard

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

The X Factor auditions are in full swing and despite a handful of beautifully bizarre contestants, a lady with Simon Cowell's name tattoed on her hip and a singer which made us genuinely sob into our cheesy smothered chips and text our ex boyfriend - there is one person we never expected to see on our screens.

Michelle Keegan's ex boyfriend Brad Howard was seen trying out for the ITV singing competition on Saturday night and he is actually REALLY GOOD.

We are not just saying this, because his face looks like it was carved by angels.

The judges were v. pleased with model Brad's performance, which Sharon Osbourne calling him a 'sexy bloke' and Nicole Scherzinger told him,

"It’s delicate but you do have a beautiful voice."

The X Factor hopeful was then was asked if he gets everything he wants, to which he brazenly replied, 'I’d like to say no, but I’d be lying.'

"So, Nicole can I have your number?"


Despite Scherzy turning him down, Brad sailed through to bootcamp with four massive yes'. He gets a yes from us at heatworld HQ*, too.

So, what happened with Michelle Keegan and Brad Howard?

Brad howard

The pair dated for two years before splitting up in 2010. Michelle is now married to TOWIE's Mark Wright, whist Brad is asking out famous judges whilst on primetime telly. As you do.

What's Bran Howard's Instagram? Twitter?

At the time of writing, Brad has an impressive 34.8k followers on Instagram and it's not really a surprise tbh. He is GAWJUS. That is all. Follow @bradhoward3 now, now, NOW.

Where can I watch Brad Howard's The X Factor 2017 audition?

Right here, huns. Enjoy!

The X Factor continues on Sunday night on ITV at 8pm with the final round of auditions.


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