Niall Horan is RAGING about this fan pic

Fair enough, TBH

Niall Horan

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

If we were ill and on a plane (and probably looking disgusting), the last thing we'd want is some random taking photos and posting them on the internet.

Luckily for us, we aren't famous at all and people wouldn’t be in the slightest bit interested in doing that.

But Niall Horan doesn't have that luxury.

Niall Horan
Niall Horan

He got (very reasonably) pissed off when a fan took a picture of him while he was fast asleep on a plane.

He was flying from London to Chicago to go to Lollapalooza festival, and he'd declined a selfie with the photographer due to feeling unwell.

But this didn't stop them from sharing a sneaky and intrusive pic on social media, captioning it: "And to sum up the perfect European adventure, I sat directly next to Niall from One Direction for 9 hours on my flight home from London last night. He was sick and asked for no selfies, but here is a pic I snapped when he was sleeping lol he was so friendly."

But even the addition of a jovial "lol" didn't make Niall see the funny side - he KICKED OFF when he saw it.

By kicked off we mean he posted a moderately annoyed tweet.

"I think this shit is unreal," he said. "I mean if you can't sleep on a plane without people taking photos of you, what can you do?"


But one person more PISSED OFF than Niall RN is Simon Cowell, who is pretty bloody furious) with Liam Payne for ditching his label Syco for his solo deal.

Simon Cowell Dermot O'Leary

Speaking to The Sun, Simon said: "It's a bit annoying if I am honest with you – mainly because it is another label who has not got your artist who you worked with for so many years.

"But that is the music business, unfortunately. I don't think anyone else from the band will do that."

So. Much. Drama.


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