Paris Hilton’s new business venture will MELT YOUR HEART

Paris Hilton

by Aimee Jakes |
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From perfume ranges, to inventing Kim Kardashian to DJing in Ibiza - Paris Hilton isn't known for having time out. We bet she hasn't even had a chance to master the fine art of hygge (AKA eating cheesy pasta and napping) because the poor lamb is always busy.

Let us prove it. In December alone, the noughties blonde heiress has been partying at Kris Jenner's Christmas eve bash, collaborated with LIDL in launching her brand new hair care range and now has brought out a clothing range for pampered pooches.


paris hiltons new business

The top left pooch is sporting an outfit which is a definite nod to the ruffle trend. Middle left looks like the outfit we have been wearing since Christmas day afternoon (we definitely changed out of our Christmas day dress, into something elasticated by 1pm).

The bottom right looks like us when we manage to watch KUWTK whilst ironing and sending memes in the group chat. UNSTOPPABLE.

Also, bottom left looks suspiciously like our NYE outfit? Paris hun, have u been stalking us? Is this some Black Mirror shit?

If you want to buy any of the outfits for your own pup, then an outfit will set you back approx $55 (or £44.97). We think it's well worth it tbh. Even if our bank balance as empty as our HEART the day George denied us a dance at the school disco. Lol.


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