The first Bushtucker trial involves a tomb filled with 120,000 RATS and SPIDERS.



by Aimee Jakes |
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Bushtucker trials are designed to give you the exact amount of fear that errupts your body when you accidentally press 'balance' instead of 'cash' on an ATM.

Remember when Katie Price had to drink a cockroach milkshake? Or when Joe Swash ate a crocodile penis whilst gagging/dribbling/weeping? Or how about when George Shelley had to tear apart pig's TESTICLES to find stars?

Yeah. Heads up to the producers at ITV for making TV GOLD, even if it does leave us hiding behind a pillow for 45 minutes.

Well, now it's BT time again and first one is set to be a toughie.

The losers of the Saviours Challenge will take part in this year’s Bush Tucker Trials which will feature over 120,000 critters – the most EVER seen on an I’m A Celebrity Trial.

We have a few questions of course:

  1. How did they find that many?
  1. Who's the poor sod who has to count them?
  1. Where do the creepy crawlies go next? SHUDDERS.

The trial is delightfully called 'The Tomb of Torment' where the celebs will have to lie down next to each other in the tiny tomb and will be joined by rats, mealworms, spiders, crickets and cockroaches in an attempt to win 10 stars for camp.

That's A LOT OF NASTY THINGS. We mean... rats :( Spiders :( Cockroaches :(.

If we had a pound per critter, we would probably be able to buy a yacht. How much are yachts? We've never checked actually.

Of course, the losers of the 'saviours challenge' were Scarlett Moffatt, Olympic Gold medal winner Sam Quek, dancer Ola Jordan and Diversity dancer Jordan Banjo.

We can't WAIT to see how they get on/retch behind a cushion.

We definitely wouldn't fancy sharing a bed with 120,000 critters. One is bad enough, lololol.

To find out more tune into I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! tonight at 9pm on ITV.

Turn over to ITV2 at 10.45pm for the brand new companion show I’m A Celebrity…Extra Camp for all the behind the scenes gossip on the ITV show. Hosted by Stacey Solomon, Chris Ramsey, Vicky Pattison and Joe Swash with celebrity guest Brooke Vincent.

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