There’s officially no hope for Stephen Bear and Vicky Pattison

We are shocked. SHOCKED.

Stephen Bear Vicky Pattison

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Stephen Bear may be the most Marmitey person we'll experience ever in our lives, but you can't deny he's been bloody good telly.

Ever since he bounded (literally bounded) into Celebrity Big Brother, got with Chloe Khan all over da house (including the loo), then bounded back out as the winner, we've been kinda captivated by him.

chloe khan

And we've been still more fascinated by his weird antics on Ex On The Beach (including once telling Les Dawson's daughter Charlotte Dawson he'd like to have Bear cubs with her). Lol.

But throughout his (really quite extensive) reality TV career, he's managed to make a whole lot of enemies.

Perhaps the most prominent of these is his ex Vicky Pattison, who literally seems to hate him more than every CBB viewer put together.

She made this clear about 40 seconds after he'd appeared on the launch show, tweeting: "Wow.... Just stop talking about me man... Allow it... Pathetic... Want to be on a reality to show these days?! Just drop my name #shoein."

Considering he did name drop her almost instantly, this was a very fair thing to say.

Vicky Pattison

Bear, since leaving the house, has mentioned he'd like to clear the air with her, to which Vicky's pal responded: "She wants nothing to do with the entire Stephen Bear circus anymore.

"She's embarrassed by the connection and mortified by the way he behaves and treats women," they told The Sun Online.

"Vicky feels nothing towards him and will not be allowing him to contact her in any way."


This comes after Bear admitted to the Daily Star there was a lot to be said between the two but that she'd blocked him on WhatsApp.

Maybe time to get the hint on that one, Bear hun?

Bear has meanwhile been skipping around the country doing PAs, including one at Ex On The Beach's Lacey Fuller's dad's club, during which he was spotted getting veeeery cosy with her.

While Chloe Khan was hanging out with Jason Burrill, that is…

Who would've GUESSED those two wouldn't last?

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