TOWIE: Megan McKenna and Lydia Bright’s EPIC SHOWDOWN

Where did that come from?


by Georgina Terry |
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The Only Way Is Mallorca may just have started but it's already SIZZLING.

And tonight sees not one but two huge face-offs.


First up, let's talk about the showdown that we were promised at the end of episode one: Pete Wicks and Chloe Lewis.

Pete is pissed off because Chloe has been spreading rumours that Megan was not only grinding but dirty grinding in a bikini with another man in Ibiza.

Chloe Lewis - TOWIE

Danni Armstrong took it upon herself to tell Megan McKenna and Pete what Chloe was saying about her, and Pete decided that enough was enough and that he had to confront Chloe.

Which he does! Although we cannot confirm if Chloe was as distracted by his penis as we are in this snap.


Pete refuses to believe what Chloe is saying, so effectively brands her a liar. Blimey.

In retribution, perhaps, Pete reveals to the boys that he has heard a rumour about Chloe Lewis. What could it be? We're just guessing here but we'd lay money on it being either that she saw someone behind Jake Hall's back, or that she hooked up with Jake when he was recovering after being attacked in Marbella.


Secondly, we need to talk about a face-off that we did not expect: Megan and Lydia Bright.

Where did it come from? Weeelll, it has been a-brewing under the surface for a little while. Megan said that Lydia was really quite rude to her when Megan tried to sit with the gang and have "a strawberry daiquiri and a catch-up" off camera.

And Lydia does seem to have been taking quite a lot of pleasure in Chloe's attempted takedown of Megan.


*TOWIE continues tonight at 10pm on ITVBe. *

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