Shock as X Factor contestant is AXED for drug-taking after getting through to six chair challenge

the x factor

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Last night's The X Factor saw Anthony Russell (after much deliberation on Simon's part) get through to the next round of the show.

But now, according to show insiders, the 27-year-old from Liverpool has been AXED from the ITV show for taking drugs.

During the show, Simon Cowell had commented on the dad of one's 'manic' behaviour and he had even turned up to his first audition with a black eye.

the x factor

A source told The Sun,“Contestants are closely monitored by the production team. They were alarmed by how erratic he was during filming and decided to confront him.

“He admitted he was a drug user and a decision was quickly taken to remove him.

“It’s a shame, as he was hotly tipped to make the live shows.”

Music mogul Simon Cowell had told Anthony, after hearing his Beyonce rendition, “Anthony this was so manic, why don’t we hear the chorus just on your own, a cappella."

He then confided in the other judges, 'it worries me that he's not focused and he'll never quite nail it because of that nervous energy.'

the x factor

However, it seems that the The X Factor dream may not be completely over for the singer.

The X Factor source continued: “Anthony has been going through some personal issues for some time - as he sang about at his audition. Those issues were still affecting him. So everyone has urged him to concentrate on getting himself better right now.

"Production are all very fond of him and think he has really potential so have told him, if he straightens himself out, they would love him to have another shot at X Factor next year. That is the perfect incentive for him to get his life back on track.

“Everyone hopes he will come back next year healthier."

The X Factor continues on ITV1 tomorrow at 7.30pm

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