Uh oh! Kim has made it illegal for Blac Chyna to become a Kardashian!

Blac Chyna can't change her name

by Aimee Jakes |
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Despite getting engaged to a Kardashian and having a baby with the last name Kardashian - Blac Chyna's dreams of becoming a Kardashian one day have been cruelly dashed.

Drink everytime we say Kardashian.

According to TMZ, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian were succesful in blocking Black's petition to own the rights to the name Angela Renee Kardashian.

APPAZ, the sisters claimed it created confusion in the workplace and didn't want Chyna to profit from the family name. We are no financial expert (Halifax can vouch for us) yet we predict the Kardashian moniker would rack up some serious dosh for your savings pot. Missguided to Gvenchy. Marbz to the Maldieves. A meal deal to a hearty slab of salmon grilled on Brad Pitt's top of the range barbeque.

Blac Chyna is famously on then off then on then off with Rob Kardashian, yet proved that things were very much ON, with this PDA-drenched snap.

Blac Chyna insta

Or maybe it was an April Fools joke. We can never ruddy tell with these two.

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